Safety is considered as a prime factor regarding any playful activity, whether it is indoor or outdoor. When it is about swimming or around water activity, everyone is concerned about safety standards and measures. We Universe Swimming Club understand the safety concerns about swimming and especially the importance of staying safe during the learning process.
We always strive to maintain a standard and provide excellent service with utmost safety. For children and adults at the beginner level, we provide proper swimming equipment of high quality during swimming lessons to ensure safety so they may take benefits from the swim lessons fearlessly.
We also offer opportunities for some expert learners to take part in worldwide swimming competitions. To ensure safety is the essential motive of our swimming center.
The Universe Swimming club provides a safe and comfortable environment for its students. No matter whether they are kids or adults, beginners, or intermediate, they receive professional training with proper swimming accessories according to their shape, size, and age.
We impact our swimming stars with not only essential but also advanced knowledge of swimming. Teaching them all swimming techniques, we make them able to tackle intense water situations.
We also make them learn how to swim in different situations and take benefits out of their skills. A relaxed and unique swimming learning environment makes it easy for them to achieve the desired skills for swimming.
Universe swimming club also provides specialized individual training for learners as per the requirements of the clients. These learners get special consideration and attention by our best swimming coaches.
We ensure to provide them with necessary swimming equipment and accessories along with individual lessons by our best trainers so they may not find any difficulty during the swimming course.
Universe Swimming club offers the Swim Learning program for children and youngsters according to their skill levels. Our institute inspires the youth as well as old with our tutorials on how to swim.
We provide step by step training to the students, gradually bringing them to expert level. Besides, we not only appraise the swimmers to know their strengths and use them in a skillful way but also make them aware of their weaknesses to overcome. In this regard, we also provide extra classes to slow learners.
We managed to set four stages involved in the training of your children from beginner to advance.
The beginner’s package will help the students to learn fundamental skills. To make them feel comfortable with water, we include lessons on introduction to water skills, safety measures, and benefits of swimming.
Then we take them to the upper beginner level, where we help them learn basic swimming strokes and feel comfortable in the water without an instructor.
Reaching the adult level, students become able to establish a water safe attitude and overcome their fears. After mastering these three levels, swimmers are encouraged to learn advanced stroke techniques of swimming so they can successfully swim within the depth of 8-10 meter water. We offer a reward system for bright students and also provide them with opportunities to take part in worldwide swimming competitions.
Safety services are essential for the Universe swimming club. We provide you with certified and experienced lifeguards as well as safety equipment during swimming lessons to ensure life safety.
When learning with the Universe swimming club, you will explore your hidden talents and swimming potential.
Nothing can be achieved without having a clear vision regarding your aim or goal. Universe swimming club has its idea to inspire the people who want to learn swimming from a professional swimming club under the training of expert coaches.
We are working hard to provide top-notch quality services to our clients. We have some core values that help us to interact with our clients and employees creating a better understanding. It also enables our beginner swimmers to become professionals and enthusiastic swimmers to explore further.
Below are the four core value which Universe swimming club adopts to reach its desired position.
We take our swimming club to a higher level by facilitating the learners with a perfect swim learning place, which is the vision of the universe swimming club.
Swimming is also a life-saving skill besides being a passion or fun. Our purpose is to equip children, adults, and people of all ages with basic swimming techniques. We strive to deliver you the best support through our training and make you able to tackle all situations.
The mission of the Universe swimming club is to become the best swimming club with its best services. Achieving this mission could not be possible without providing a better experience to our clients or rendering professional services. In order to maintain a high standard, we offer different levels of training by professional swimming coaches. We also provide a particular training program for individuals.
All-time availability of well-trained guards ensures the handling of adverse circumstances and provides peace of mind. That is why the Universe swimming club stands above its competitors for keeping professional standards and maintaining a safe and relaxing environment. Thus we achieve our mission of becoming a professional swim training club of Mauritius.
Universe Swimming club offers the Swim Learning program for children and youngsters according to their skill levels. Our institute inspires the youth as well as old with our tutorials on how to swim.
15:00 PM to 18:00 AM
14:00 PM to 19:00 PM
08:00 AM to 11:45 AM